Your Donation
While SLJ’s public funding provides for the academic rigor that is a major component of high school success, there are not enough resources to provide the critical experiences and opportunities outside the classroom that drive college readiness and are staples of more affluent school districts. Thanks to the generous individual and corporate donors we are able to provide individualized college, career, and enrichment programming that allows our students to get into and thrive in college and create successful futures for themselves.
See what your gift can do!
$2500 helps us send a student across the world for 6-8 weeks to study abroad in another country
$1000 pays for a rising senior to study on a college campus over the summer
$750 Provides a stipend for a summer internship
$500 pays for a semester of SAT prep for one student
$250 covers the cost for one junior to participate in an overnight trip to visit four colleges
$150 provides a stipend for a summer internship
$100 helps us sustain our college persistence and mentorship programs
$50 helps us enhance our on-campus daily enrichment programs
Donations by Mail
If you would like to write a check, please make it payable to the Adams Street Foundation and mail it, along with your contact information to:
Adams Street Foundation
attn: Ray Seaborough
283 Adams Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, and will benefit the programs and activities of SLJ.
For further information, please contact Ray Seaborough, Executive Director of the Adams Street Foundation, at 718-858-1160 ext. 13002 or e-mail
Show your support!
Purchase Adams Street Foundation apparel through our partner, CLOZTALK. Wear your ASF gear and help us raise awareness!
Volunteer Opportunities
Organize career days, shadow days, or a networking session at your company
Offer student internships and summer jobs (all fields welcome)
Support our fundraising efforts by providing connections to grantmaking organizations
Serve on the host committee for one of our events
Offer pro bono support in the form of tech consulting, accounting, financial management, etc.
Join our Executive Board or our Auxiliary Board
Speak at our monthly Lunch With Leaders series
Volunteer to observe and provide feedback for mock trial
Volunteer to serve as a juror for grade-wide student portfolio presentations
Volunteer to read and provide personal statement feedback and college/financial aid application assistance